How my journey began


In my late teens I struggled with weight gain and making poor lifestyle choices. This led to many years of suffering on the dieting rollercoaster and eventually developing binge eating disorder.

Not knowing much about dieting, I figured if I just ate a bunch of veggies, stayed away from the foods I loved, and exercised every day, I would lose the weight.

Every time I would "diet," it would last a couple of days, maybe even a week, and then urges for the foods I wasn't allowed to eat would start to surface. I would fight them for a while, but eventually, they become overwhelming, and it resulted in a "screw it all blackout binge," where I would literally eat everything in the house until I felt sick and my stomach hurt.

Once the binge was over, then the shame and guilt set in, and to felt better, I would tell myself diet starts again tomorrow except for this time I'll do better, I'll last longer, but what do you think happened? Another few days of being good then once again a blowout binge.

I would think...

What's wrong with me? Why don't I have any willpower? How come other people can do it and I can't?

I was exhausted and miserable. Intuitively I knew what I was doing wasn't working, and there had to be a better way. This was when I began my search for self-improvement in all forms.

I learned a lot along the way, most importantly, that DIETS DON'T WORK!

I realized I had lost my mind-body connection and that food no longer had anything to do with physiological hunger.

It had nothing to do with willpower, I wasn't broken, and it wasn't my fault.

What a relief!


The problem isn’t you!

You didn’t fail the diet. The diet failed you! That's what they are designed to do to keep you trapped.

After going through the healing process myself, I decided to create a system to teach people how to get off the dieting rollercoaster for good and create a healthy relationship with food and your body.


Get in touch.

A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about your weight

It's about nourishing your body and being the most vibrant, healthy, and energetic version of yourself.

If you want to create a healthy relationship with food and your body let’s chat.


Rather than focusing on how you look, think about how you want to feel.

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